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Breaking the silence - preventing harassment and sexual misconduct


The aim of the Dignity at Work Policy is to support and sustain a positive working environment for all staff, free from any form of unacceptable behaviour.  It highlights the options available to staff if they believe they are subject to bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct or other unacceptable behaviour and sets out the responsibilities for managing and supporting staff when concerns are raised under the Policy.


Dignity at Work Contacts provide confidential advice to those who feel that they are experiencing difficult working relationships, including bullying or harassment. If you would like to talk confidentially to a Dignity at Work Contact, you should call (7)65031 which is a confidential voice-mail number and leave your name and contact details, or email with your name and contact details.

Any questions about the Dignity at Work Policy itself or associated policies or procedures should be directed to the relevant HR School Team (insert web and contact details).

The University operates a Staff Counselling Service and signposts staff to other sources of advice and support.